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A woman’s job as helper to her husband is to offer protection for his heart like an armor, help him breathe easier and provide stability so he can stand tall. All too often and without knowing we aren’t living our role as God intended and leaving them vulnerable for attacks. We are created as helper to complete their armor, to protect, assist and provide for their most vital organs their heart their lungs and their head. We are entrusted by the Creator to play a vital and necessary role in their headship of our walk with Christ, without our stability and purpose their upper body is weakened, their breathing is labored and their hearts are left vulnerable.

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1 Corinthians 15:33 “Do not be deceived: Bad company corrupts good morals.  You might be saying, that’s why I just surround myself with "christian friends".  But do you realize those "christian friends" are just a bunch of sinners who are down right dirty people who know how bad they are and how desperately they need our Lord and Savior Jesus or else they are headed straight for HELL! 

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